Bathroom Accessories 56(6059652_Rectangle_Vray,Corona)

Bathroom Accessories 56 Corona 8 version Materials CoronaLegacyMtl + Vray In versions of CoronaRender 6 and below CoronaLegacyMtl=CoronaMtl CoronaLegacyMtl requires a version of Corona Renderer at least 1.5, since the cards are designed to use PBR 3dsMax 2016 + obj Polys: 406153 Verts: 381062 High Quality models Detailed enough for close up renders
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Free 3D model download » Bathroom Accessories 56(6059652_Rectangle_Vray,Corona)
Free 3D model download » Bathroom Accessories 56(6059652_Rectangle_Vray,Corona)